Bioscience, Inc. has had many inquiries as to the feasibility of bacterial cleanup of the Gulf Oil Spill. Bioscience, Inc....
GOOxygen demand testing is a staple of wastewater analysis. The oxygen demand of a wastewater indicates its potential impact on...
GOJune’s Bioscience, Inc., Bug of the Month is this ciliate, typical of wastewater sludge. Have a great micrograph image? We’ll...
GOBioscience, Inc., is pleased to announce that, for the first time ever, its award-winning line of wastewater analytical products is...
GOBioscience, Inc., one of the nation’s leading suppliers of adapted microbial strains for wastewater treatment and spill clean-up, has moved...
GOMICROCAT®-XBS hydrocarbon degrader and MICROCAT®-NPN biodegradable nutrients were added for the bioremediation of soil contaminated by underground storage tanks leaking...
GOMICROCAT®-AL Pond and Lake Cleaner was added to rapidly clean the pond in anticipation of the zoo’s 150th anniversary celebration. Objective To...
GOMICROCAT®-GEL Liquid Drain and Trap Bioformula was added to reduce fat, oil and grease (FOG) and odor buildup in a...
GOMICROCAT®-SMPL Hydrocarbon Cleaner/Degrader and MICROCAT®-XR Hydrocarbon Degrading Bioformula were added to remove oil stains from airport hangar floors prior to recoating the...