Case Studies

Reduction of FOG buildup in a restaurant grease trap

MICROCAT®-GEL Liquid Drain and Trap Bioformula was added to reduce fat, oil and grease (FOG) and odor buildup in a restaurant grease trap.

Grease Trap

Capacity: 1000 GALLONS (3.78 M3)


The treatment objective was to reduce the fat, oil and grease (FOG) buildup in the grease trap of the 30 table seating-capacity Italian restaurant. The buildup  caused blockages in the restaurant’s sewer lines and caused odor complaints.  The FOG buildup required frequent manual pumping of the trap. Previous  attempts to solve this problem with chemical products had failed.


Application of MICROCAT®-GEL, using an automatic dosing pump, is a nightly addition (at 2:00AM) of 12 fluid ounces (0.32 liters). Floor drains at the  restaurant are also dosed with MICROCAT-GEL once per month in order to keep the floor drains free flowing.


Since using MICROCAT®-GEL at the restaurants, the following benefits have been observed:
1. There is no need to pump the grease trap due to blockages.
2. Routine scheduled pumping of the trap is eliminated. Only 1 pumpout has
been required in 3 years.
3. The grease is visibly reduced in the trap.
4. The odor from the grease traps has been greatly reduced.
5. Labor and maintenance requirements are negligible.
6. Customer complaints about odors are greatly reduced.

MICROCAT®-GEL is regularly added at maintenance dosages to maintain
grease trap operation and performance.

[cta large]Click here to download the full case study (PDF).[/cta]