This is written customer feedback that documents their experiences using MICROCAT®-ST (sold under private label arrangements in retail outlets and...
GOProblem During cold weather this municipal wastewater treatment plant with a high percentage of industrial flow from food...
GOBioscience, Inc. is looking for distributors and resellers for our line of Microcat ® microbial products. Many territories are available. Please...
GOBioscience’s distributor in Alabama, Randy McGee of Biochem Products, featured Microcat ® microbial products at the Alabama Rural Water Association...
GOMarch’s Bioscience, Inc., Bug of the Month is this Scenedesmus, an algae frequently seen in surface water and wastewater treatment...
GOFebruary’s Bioscience, Inc., Bug of the Month is this Stalked Ciliate, often indicative of good operation stability in wastewater treatment...
GOJanuary’s Bioscience, Inc., Bug of the Month is this Nocardia, often found to cause operational problems in wastewater treatment plants!...
GOReducing foam and filaments at a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Product Applied MICROCAT®-DNTRF Fat, Oil and Grease Degrading Bioformula Objective...
GOStart-up Seed Sludge Augmented Using Microcat ® – UASB BioBlend Problem The commissioning of a new wastewater treatment system consisting...