The Ampulmatic-10 with Purge Gas and Liquid Filler Demonstration Video is at Ampulmatic-10 Demonstration Video
GOJune’s Bioscience, Inc., Bug of the Month is this Rotifer, an organism frequently seen in the mixed liquor from the...
GOBioscience, Inc. is participating at our European distributors meeting in The Netherlands on May 30 and 31st. Tom Zitrides, president...
GOBioscience, Inc. and its Pacific Northwest distributor, Northwest Seven, will be exhibiting and giving a presentation at the Northwest FOG...
GOMay’s Bioscience, Inc., Bug of the Month is this Spirilla, an organism frequently seen in wastewater treatment plants. It’s presence...
GOApril’s Bioscience, Inc., Bug of the Month is this Type 021N, a filamentous form frequently seen in wastewater treatment plants....
GOBEFORE AFTER Microcat-DF reduces foam in 15 minutes in the aeration basin of a 5 MGD municipal wastewater treatment plant!
GOProblem Full-scale Incineration of this wastewater had proved very expensive due to the fuel input required and the ongoing incinerator...