Case Studies

Reduction of fouling of a membrane filter at a wastewater treatment plant

MICROCAT®-SXM Grease and Fat Reduction Bioformula was added to reduce fouling of a membrane filter from an oxidation pond municipal wastewater treatment plant.

Waste Treatment: Aerated Ponds and Modular Micro-filtration Plant

The treatment system consists of 3 oxidation ponds followed by a conventional membrane micro-filtration plant prior to discharge to a receiving stream.


The treatment objective was to reduce the amount of fouling on the membrane filters. The organic accumulations on the filter caused reduced membrane performance, foaming problems and poor effluent quality.


The MICROCAT®-SXM application program for the pond system is based on the size of the ponds and the amount of organic buildup. MICROCAT®-SXM addition is made daily by manual addition to the 1st pond.


Since beginning the MICROCAT®-SXM addition to the oxidation ponds, the following benefits have been observed on the membrane filters, which follow the oxidation pond wastewater treatment system:
1. Organic buildup is dramatically reduced on the filter and filter-cleaning maintenance is not required as often.
2. Foaming on the membrane tanks is eliminated.
3. The amount of chemical needed to clean the membrane is greatly reduced.
4. When the membrane filter is functioning properly, effluent quality exceeds that of the receiving stream.

MICROCAT®-SXM is regularly added at maintenance dosages to reduce organic buildup and minimize foaming.

[cta large]Click here to download the full case study (PDF).[/cta]


